Monday, December 24, 2012

Assorted Coffee Cup Cuffs (Uncounted)

I made countless cup cuffs for gifts and donations during the year. These were made by tracing around a paper cuff from Peet's as a template. The project used scraps of leftover batting, fabric stash, thread-wrapped rubber band ponytail holders, and antique buttons from Mother's button drawer.

Many of the cuffs went to Miff's charity craft fair. A special holiday assortment was made for dear friend Ann.

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Location:County Line Quilts

Tied Fleece Comfort for Street Church

This blanket was made by sandwiching a layer of 100% cotton batting between layers of orange fleece. The layers were tacked together using the "tying" stitch on my domestic. Then the edges were stitched around using a blanket stitch. The blanket had a good drape and feel when done, even if it didn't look so fancy. It was given to Street Church.

Earlier in the year I made some fleece blankets for Street Church by serging around heavy fleece fabric that I bought at a JoAnn's sale. The object is to give the homeless something clean that will help to keep them warm.

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Location:County Line Quilts

Mended Double Knit Crazy Quilt Comfort

This old crazy quilt polyester knit comfort that I made 40-years ago was repaired and given to Street Church. I made it when I was in college. Some of the polyester double-knit scraps in this comfort will never wear out and look as colorful now as they did 40-years ago. The comfort will live on warming the homeless this winter.

Some of my favorite memories of it are Narinder and Winston cuddled up in it watching TV. Good-bye old friend! Keep on helping people stay warm. Sigh!

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Location:County Line Quilts

Orange, Tan and Brown Wool Comfort

This is the second one in our wool comfort project.
The yarn we used was very hard to pull through the wool, batting and backing. It was a crewel yarn. From now on I'm sticking to a regular knitting worsted for tying.
This comfort was added to the donation box at Mother's. Given to St. Francis Center in Redwood City February, 2013.
Size: 57" x 81" Single-Bed Size
Quilting: Tied using brown yarn
Backing: Tan flannel
Batting: 100% Polyester high loft (JoAnn's packaged brand)
Binding: Brought the tan flannel around to the front to make the binding
Pattern: Whole cloth
Piecing by Gra'ma. Tying by Patty and Gra'ma. Binding by Gra'ma. QC by Spencer.
Thus ends our year at County Line Quilts!

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Location:County Line Quilts

Piney Woodland Table Runner

I made this table runner to have for a just in case gift. The fabrics are several that I bought from a JoAnn's sale. The patchwork pattern is adapted from a magazine Quilting for Christmas Holiday 2012; the pattern is called "frosted forest" by Patti Carey, but I made it in the suggested green hues rather than the featured blue ones.

This one uses paper-pieced blocks and I was reminded once again how much I dislike paper-piecing. I haven't done any since the Cousin Quilt Project in 2011 and now I remember why. On this table runner, I gave up and made the 4 cornerstone blocks solid trees rather than paper-pieced ones because it was just too slow to get all the blocks done as the pattern showed. In addition, to fit the tree onto a 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper, I changed the main tree size. THAT was the easy part.

While piecing this one, I redesigned it in my head. I want to do another one with only one paper-pieced tree and the rest solid and call it "Happy Trees" after Bob Ross, because after all it's MY world and I can make the trees as I wish! I miss watching Bob Ross reruns on PBS. My parents and I used to watch him every afternoon when I was at their house quilting until KCSM changed the schedule. Now we watch PBS News Hour on KQED, not as entertaining as Bob Ross, but maybe more current.

I quilted it using my 'domestic' (sewing machine) by stitching in the ditch with 100% cotton machine thread from Mother's collection. I also stitched trees and triangles into the plain areas. This one had some pucker issues on the back. Next time I think I'll baste it on the long arm before quilting on the domestic.

I added this runner to the donation box.

Size: 23 1/2" x 70 1/4" Table Runner
Quilting: Stitch in the ditch, using dark green and tan cotton thread. Also quilted trees and triangles in some of the background and border pieces. Used my sewing machine with a walking foot (duel-feed).
Backing: Medium-green cotton print
Batting: 100% Cotton (Warm and White)
Binding: Medium-dark green cotton print
Pattern: "frosted forest" by Patti Carey in Quilting for Christmas Holiday 2012
Piecing by Patty. Quilting on domestic December 2012 (Patty) Binding by Patty. QC by Spencer.

The paper-pieced block I made for Julie's Cousin Quilt in 2011
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Location:County Line Quilts

Green and Gold Wool Comfort

Our wool comfort project was motivated first by Super Storm Sandy Aid and second by a desire to use up wool fabric in Mother's stash. We soon found that there were enough blankets sent for Sandy Aid, but the desire to use the wool and get some warm comforts made for donation continued.
I went to the JoAnn's sale after Thanksgiving (7 am) and got flannel for the backings for this project. It was quite a sale and the price was reduced to less than $2 a yard. Unfortunately I overbought and more than filled up the emptied box of wool fabrics. Bottom line: down one box and up two. There's NO hope for us!
During this project I read about a woman in Kansas who made and donated 800 tied (lap to single bed-sized) quilts during 2012. She said that you hit your stride after the first 500! At the rate I tie comforts there is no hope for even 50 in a year! This woman has a full time job and does her piecing, sewing, tying, and finishing in the evenings in front of TV to relax. What an amazing woman! My hat's off to her!
This comfort was added to the donation box at Mother's, a very good cardboard box that computers came in and Sally brought home from work. Quite a good find for our quilting studio's products! Given to St. Francis Center in Redwood City February, 2013.
Size: 61" x 83" Single-Bed Size
Quilting: Tied using dark-green yarn
Backing: Dark-green flannel
Batting: 100% Polyester high loft (JoAnn's packaged brand. This brand has become my favorite polyester batting)
Binding: Brought the green flannel around to the front to make the binding
Pattern: Whole cloth
Piecing by Gra'ma. Tying by Patty and Gra'ma. Binding by Gra'ma. QC by Spencer.

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Location:County Line Quilts

Simply a Holiday Table Runner

I made another table runner from the same easy pattern to have for a Christmas gift. The flower fabric and the dark-red one came from Mother's stash. The pink fabric was bought for the project. The pattern is Simply a Pleasure by Nicole Chambers-Kaya. I made it longer than the pattern by adding more squares. It went together very nicely and the corners matched perfectly.

I quilted it using my 'domestic' (sewing machine) by stitching in the ditch with 100% cotton machine thread from Mother's collection.

I gave this runner to Narinder's friends, Collin and Sharon. They liked it.

Size: 13" x 61" Table Runner
Quilting: Stitch in the ditch, using dark red cotton thread. Used my sewing machine with a walking foot (duel-feed).
Backing: Bright-pink cotton print with sparkles
Batting: 100% Cotton (Warm and Natural)
Binding: Dark-red cotton
Pattern: Simply a Pleasure by Nicole Chambers-Kaya
Piecing by Patty. Quilting on domestic December 2012 (Patty) Binding by Patty. QC by Spencer.

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Location:County Line Quilts

Merger for Keith and Miff

On Keith and Miff's Bed

More QC
Mother found this scrappy quilt in a free pattern that came in a mailed advertisement. Mother has the best eye for recognizing beautiful quilt patterns. She decided to make it for Keith and Miff using fabrics from her stash. It is one of her masterpieces.
Size: 100" x 100" King-Bed Size
Quilting: Loopy, meandering design using light blue polyester thread (Omni from Superior Threads). Free form quilting. 9 bobbins.
Inner Border: White on white cotton print
Outer Border: Dark blue print
Backing: 108" wide solid tan cotton
Batting: 100% Cotton (Warm and White)
Binding: Bright-blue cotton
Pattern: "Patches & Pinwheels" by Bonnie Hunter
Piecing by Gra'ma. Quilting on long arm quilter November 30 - December 3, 2012 (Patty). Binding by Gra'ma. QC by Spencer.

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Location:County Line Quilts

Simply a Pleasure Table Runner

I made this table runner to have for a gift. The flower fabric came from Mother's stash. The other fabrics were bought for the project. I bought the pattern Simply a Pleasure by Nicole Chambers-Kaya. I made it longer than the pattern by adding more squares. It went together very nicely and the corners matched easily. I quilted it using my 'domestic' (sewing machine) by stitching in the ditch with 100% cotton machine thread from Mother's collection.

I gave this runner to Keith and Miff. See the first picture.

Size: 13" x 61" Table Runner
Quilting: Stitch in the ditch, using dark green cotton thread. Used my sewing machine with a walking foot (duel-feed).
Backing: Dark green cotton print
Batting: 100% Cotton (Warm and Natural)
Binding: Dark green cotton print (same as backing)
Pattern: Simply a Pleasure by Nicole Chambers-Kaya
Piecing by Patty. Quilting on domestic December 15, 2012 (Patty) Binding by Patty. QC by Spencer.

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Location:County Line Quilts

Red, White and Blue Knit Quilt

This is another of the cotton double knit fabric whole cloth quilts. This one used two red, white, and blue knits. It was a very soft quilt when finished. The back is a red, white, and blue flannel print, the same one used for Thor's Nap Pad. All of the same issues applied to quilting this one as I described for the first. The binding is an almost plain dark blue cotton that came from Mother's stash.
We added this one to the donation box for future giving. Given to St. Francis Center in Redwood City February, 2013.
Size: 31" x 53" Baby size
Quilting: Meandering loopy design using light gray thread (Omni from Superior Threads). 3 bobbins.
Backing: Red, white, and blue flannel print
Batting: 100% Polyester
Binding: Dark blue cotton
Pattern: Whole cloth.
Quilting on long arm quilter November 21, 2012 (Patty). Binding by Mother. No QC as it was raining and we didn't want muddy paws on the quilt.

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Location:County Line Quilts