Sunday, September 6, 2015

Aunt Linda's Strippy Quilt 2

The difference between this quilt and the second one Aunt Linda long armed is the arrangement of the strips. The second quilt had the strips arranged horizontally. This third quilt has the strips arranged diagonally on a square foundation piece of muslin. The squares are pieced to form a diamond pattern. Very pretty!

Size: 60" x 85" Single-bed size
Quilting: Quilted in meandering loop-de-loops. Used light yellow polyester thread (Omni from Superior Threads-named "Light Lemon"). Free form quilting. 5 bobbins. Quilting by Aunt Linda.
Backing: Fabric from Aunt Linda's inventory. 
Batting: 100% cotton. Warm and Natural.
Binding:  TBD by Aunt Linda
Pattern: Fabric strips arranged in diamond shapes
Piecing by Aunt Linda.
Pinned into frame August 2, 2015. Quilting on long arm quilter August 3, 2015. (Aunt Linda). 
Binding by Aunt Linda. 
QC by Papa.

Location:County Line Quilts