Saturday, September 5, 2015

Aunt Linda's Strippy Flannel Quilt

Aunt Linda came from Santa Barbara for a week-long visit. She brought 5 quilt tops. We got 3 quilted during her visit and she left the other 2 for me to work on later.

This first quilt was made from scrap strips from her numerous flannel and rag quilts. Aunt Linda did most of the long arming. She learned quickly! 

Size: 60" x 71" Single-bed size
Quilting: Quilted in a meandering loose stipple. 
Used light yellow polyester thread (Omni from Superior Threads-named "Butter"). Free form quilting. 3 bobbins. Quilting by Aunt Linda.
Backing: Flannel from Aunt Linda's inventory. 
Batting: 100% cotton. Warm and White.
Binding:  TBD by Aunt Linda
Pattern: Random flannel strips.  
Piecing by Aunt Linda.
Pinned into frame July 31, 2015. Quilting on long arm quilter July 31, 2015. (Aunt Linda). 
Binding by Aunt Linda. 
QC by Mother.