Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Uncle Bruce and Aunt Lucy came to visit end of June/ first of July. Aunt Linda sent 3 practice quilts with them because Aunt Lucy wanted to try her hand at long arming. This is Aunt Lucy's first long arm experience. She called the quilt "First Attempts" because it was her first attempt at long arming and Victoria's (Aunt Linda's granddaughter) first attempt at piecing a quilt top.  Victoria did not take to quilting at all, so Aunt Linda had to finish the top.  But, Aunt Lucy was a natural at long arming.  I think she must be related to Mario Andretti because she could really make the long arm buzz! If you see Aunt Lucy in a race car, watch out!

I call the quilt Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, because Aunt Lucy signed her name with quilting in a blue square and the quilt has stars and diamonds in the blue night "sky".

Aunt Lucy took this quilt back to Aunt Linda to finish.

Size: 48" x 65" Lap Size
Quilting: Quilted in a spiral design. Used golden colored polyester thread (Omni from Superior Threads-named "Goldenrod"). Free form quilting. 7 bobbins. 
Backing: Plain navy blue which showed the goldenrod thread beautifully!
Batting: 100% Cotton (Warm and White)
Binding:  Will be done by Aunt Linda
Pattern: Traditional
Piecing by Aunt Linda
Pinned into frame June 30, 2014. Quilting on long arm quilter June 30, 2014. (Aunt Lucy). 
Binding by Aunt Linda. 
QC by Spencer.