I started the organizing project, including making more PIGS. Now, not to lose momentum is the goal. I wanted to document the PIGS because it was such a huge effort. Also, I found the kit for David and Chelsea’s baby. I think that should be my next project. Goal: 30 min of organizing a day; as much quilting as I can fit in around the organizing project.
To Quilt List
1. Dog Park (Quilting Bee--"Community Garden") in Cal-Asia bag and book
2. Sea Star (Binding Tool Star) in clear plastic orange bag
3. Garden Gate in gold NM bag
4. Marbles (Modern Baby) in UNICEF bag
5. Jumping Jacks (quilts from sweet Jane) in MSQC red bag to be named Tomato Soup?
6. 3 half square triangle quilts in red reptile N-M bag. One red, one blue, one pink
7. Crosswalk in blue clear bag. Needs white. See MSQC video.
8.Alaska fabric from Ann in UNICEF bag how to quilt?
9.Strips and tool in brown and tan homemade tote bag for MSQC Basic X quilt. Needs fabric for center(gold?) See MSQC video.
10.Volunteers (Hands) in black Doctors Without Borders bag.
11.Black, White, Red Quilt in bright pink N-M bag—contains instructions
12.Green bug in Kaffe Fasset bag. Needs off white
13.5”sq baby quilt in UA small canvas bag
14.Koala Jumping Jacks quilt (see Tomato Soup) in medium blue NM bag
15.A couple pieces for STEM quilt in Aunt Janet long skinny bag. Rest of pieces on shelf
16.Burst quilt and tool and instructions in tan and brown NM bag
17.David’s baby quilt kit and instructions in wild print NM bag
18.Kiss Me Kate half square triangle quilt in UNICEF bag. Instructions on her web site
19.Half square triangle quilts in blue bag from sewing machine store. See book with dog park quilt for instructions
20.MSQC Wonky Star quilt in La Prairie white paper bag
21.Don’t remember in Thailand Elephant bag
22.Aunt Linda’s Dream Weaver quilt in black Doctors Without Borders bag
23.Fat Quarter Flowers on You-Tube using fabric from Lynda at Belmont sewing group. Also use gray or neutral background in clear bag
24.Tula Pink Monkey Wrench . Pattern unknown. In Kaffe Fasset bag