County Line Quilts
2020 Goals
2019 Year-End Report
2020 Goals
- Complete 4 long-armed quilts, including the neonatal quilt top pieced in 2019 before my eye went bad, t-shirt quilt for Tomiko, t-shirt quilt for Mother that I started in 2019 and a baby quilt for the grandniece expected in February. Because my eye is still recovering and I will need cataract surgery, I will keep quilting goals modest for 2020.
- Make 1 neonatal quilt for guild
- Make one "kit" quilt
- Make 2 T-shirt quilts
- Long arm the top Sally and Mother started in 2019.
- Make 1 quilt from the To Do list of 8 Projects in bags (PIGS) as listed here:
- Dog Park (Quilting Bee--"Community Garden") in Cal-Asia bag
- Sea Star (Binding Tool Star) in clear plastic orange bag
- Garden Gate in Aunt Janet bag
- Marbles (Modern Baby) in UNICEF bag
- Jumping Jacks (quilts from sweet Jane) in MSQC red bag to be named Tomato Soup
- 3 half square triangle quilts in red reptile N-M bag, one red, one blue, one pink.
- Crosswalk in blue clear bag. See MSQC video.
- Alaska fabric from Ann in UNICEF bag. No pattern as of January 2019.
- Tidy and organize sewing studio, including making more bags of quilting projects (PIGS)
- Make a dog bed stuffed with scraps
2020 Outlook
As in 2019, 2020 will be a year focused on family health issues and possibly Mother’s moving houses. Quilting goals are, therefore, modest.
2019 Year-End Report
- Completed 11 long-armed quilts, including Sharon’s Tulip Quilt. The 2019 goal was met and exceeded by 3, thanks to long arming 4 quilts for Donna, 1 for the Quilt Guild, 1 for Cousin Sharon, and 1 for Aunt Joyce. Mother’s eyesight greatly improved after her cataract surgery, but then she fell breaking her neck and right (dominant) arm and did not sew. The quilt that Frances made from Mother’s scraps whilst she visited she took home to finish. So, I didn’t quilt it. I pieced or appliquéd 6 quilts, including the top Sharon sent since it had to be ripped apart, resewn, and extended, and the appliqué on my QAYG (quilt as you go) project. Two of mine were baby/neonatal sized quilts and another was an appliquéd table topper, so they were easier to finish. Goal exceeded for long armed quilts.
- I did several new techniques during 2019, including repairing a baby quilt for a friend that required binding round corners, making quilts with on point blocks (Sharon’s and the Zigzag quilts),learning the QAYG technique by making a table topper, and binding Aunt Joyce’s quilt by turning the backing over the front. So, goal exceeded for learning new techniques.
- Made 1 neonatal quilt for guild. Goal met.
- Quilted 1top supplied by the Guild. Goal met.
- Did not make a quilt kit, unless you count the tote bag I made. So, goal not met.
- Did not make a T-shirt quilt, but I started one that did not get finished due to my eye surgeries. Goal not met.
- Did not make a reproduction quilt, due to Mother’s fall and my eye surgeries taking up too much time. Goal not met.
- Did not make quilts from the To Do list (PIGS). Goal not met.
- Finished Sharon’s quilt, the 4 Donna sent, and 1 from Aunt Joyce. Goal met for long arming quilts sent by relatives.
- Did not finish Mother’s wool comfort. Goal not met.
- Did not make a dog bed. Goal not met.
- Did not attend the Houston Quilt Show due to my eye surgeries. Sigh! Missing this goal still causes me great saddness.
Some of my goals were met, but many were missed. Mother’s fall and my eye problems, kept me from completing all my goals. I give myself a C for 2019. I will move some of the incomplete goals to the list for 2020. Next year I may have to move the long arm if Mother decides to move to a smaller place, Mother will have bigger health demands, and my eye is still wonky, so I will keep my quilting goals modest in line with possible disruptions.