Sunday, July 22, 2018

Donna’s Scrambled 9-Patch

Quilt Top with Legs
Donna sent this quilt top for me to finish. The green and white with orange accents is very attractive. I think the color scheme is happy and cheerful. I decided to quilt it like Aunt Linda’s Dream Weaver quilt. Because this top is bigger than the Dream Weaver quilt I made the loop-de-loop bigger and looser. I added a butterfly in every orange square.
  • Size: 94" x 107" Queen bed size
  • Quilting: Quilted in an overall meander, very loose loop-de-loop, with an occasional butterfly in the orange squares. Free form quilting. Used white 100% polyester thread (Omni from Superior Threads-named "Bright White"). 10 bobbins. Quilting by Patty.
  • Backing: Light green wide backing that Donna sent, but because it wasn’t quite big enough I added a piece from my inventory to the top and bottom. 
  • Batting: 100% cotton, Winline “Back to Basics”
  • Piecing by Donna
  • Pinned into frame July 13, 2018. Quilting on long arm quilter July 16-20, 2018. (Patty). 
  • Binding by Patty. Used a piece of plain, bright green from my inventory. The green matched the green squares in the quilt. Binding turn down done by hand.
  • QC by Mother
Thank-you Letter