Saturday, July 7, 2018

Cousin Laura’s Sunbonnet Sue Quilt

Laura brought this heirloom quilt top for me to finish when she and Tom visited in May (on vacation from their church mission in Mali).  The quilt top was made by her grandmother and great grandmother, Nana and Grandma Sutton, respectively. It wasn’t quite “square”, but that didn’t slow down the quilting or finishing. It quilted easily. The original quilt was long and narrow, so Laura added the side pieces to make it fit a queen sized bed. Only one girl had a bonnet made from different fabric than her dress, a nice quilter’s choice, maybe necessitated by the amount of fabric. I can only imagine the conversations and flying fingers as these quilt blocks were made. 
  • Size: From top, clockwise around quilt—79 1/4"—90"—80 1/4”—92 1/4” Queen bed size 
  • Quilting: Quilted in an overall meander, tight stipple behind the dolls to make them stand out better, and in an overall vaguely floral design with an occasional leaf in the sashing and borders.  Free form quilting. Used cream 100% polyester thread (Omni from Superior Threads-named "Cream"). 15 bobbins. More than one bobbin required per quilting swipe, so there were lots of thread ends to bury.  Quilting and burying by Patty.
  • Backing: Off-white, green, and pink floral print cotton from an Always Quilting (LQS) sale
  • Batting: 100% cotton, Winline “Back to Basics”
  • Piecing by Nana and Grandma Sutton with side borders added by Laura.
  • Pinned into frame June 29, 2018. Quilting on long arm quilter June 29-July 9, 2018. (Patty). 
  • Binding: Dusty pink print from same Always Quilting sale. Binding by Patty. Binding was bias and done by hand to better disguise the unevenness of the sides.
  • QC by Mother
Baseball and Binding—A Pink Kinda Day
On my Bed
Detail of a Dolly
Sleeping Bunny
Card from Laura
Inside the Card