Thursday, February 1, 2018

Butterflies for Lily James

I found a butterfly quilt pattern by Edyta Sitar on the accuquilt (the makers of cutting dies for quilts) site. I decided to buy the butterfly die and make the quilt someday for a baby gift. The someday came with the arrival of Lily James Baxter in November, 2017. 
  • Size: 49” x 59” Crib size
  • Quilting: Quilted in a meandering medium stipple, with a leaf or a flower added occasionally. Unlike the pattern, I did not quilt over the butterflies. I used cream variegated thread. Free form quilting. 6 bobbins. Used Omni-V 100% polyester thread, #9002 named “French Pastry” from Superior Threads. Thread is variegated tone-on-tone creams. Quilting by Patty.
  • Backing: Butterfly printed cotton from my inventory. Fabric was bought from a sale. The butterfly print backing is a bit overwhelming for the top, for several reasons, including the butterflies on the back are more realistic and prettier.
  • Batting: 80% cotton/20% polyester batting from Winline
  • Binding:  Plain navy blue-colored cotton from my inventory.
  • Pattern:  Applique pattern by Edyta Sitar, using an accuquilt die. Applique and piecing by Patty.
  • Pinned into frame February 16, 2018. Quilting on long arm quilter February 16-19, 2018. (Patty). 
  • Binding by Patty. 
  • QC by Spencer.
Lily James
 Pattern by Edyta Sitar on accuquilt Site