2018 Goals
- Complete 8 long-armed quilts, including a baby quilt for Karina’s youngest, Lily James. Some of the quilts to be completed are described in following goals, but the total should be 8. This is a pace of 0.75 quilts per month.
- Make a quilt to learn a new technique, such as curved seams or scalloped borders
- Make 1 neonatal quilt for guild
- Make one "kit" quilt
- Make 6 shopping/tote bags
- Make 1 T-shirt quilt
- Make one reproduction of a vintage quilt (see book)
- Make a flannel quilt
- Make a dog bed stuffed with scraps
- Make Sally’s Cousin Quilt, including a block for Guy
- Make 1 quilt from the To Do list of 10 Projects in bags as listed here:
- Dog Park (Quilting Bee--"Community Garden") in Cal-Asia bag
- Sea Star (Binding Tool Star) in clear plastic orange bag
- Sock Monkey #1 (my own) in pink N-M bag
- Sock Monkey #2 (my own) in pink N-M bag
- Garden Gate in Aunt Janet bag
- Marbles (Modern Baby) in UNICEF bag
- Jumping Jacks (quilts from sweet Jane) in MSQC red bag to be named Tomato Soup
- 3 half square triangle quilts in red reptile N-M bag, one red, one blue, one pink.
- Crosswalk in blue clear bag. See MSQC video.
- Alaska fabric from Ann in UNICEF bag. No pattern as of January 2018.
2018 Outlook
2018 will be a year focused on family health issues and possibly Mother’s moving houses and not quilting. Quilting goals are modest.
2017 Year-End Report
- Completed 18 long-armed quilts, including two for the new grandnephew, Thomas and one for the new neighbor, Marley. The 2017 goal was met and exceeded by 12, thanks to long arming 4 quilts for Aunt Linda and 1 for Donna. One of the quilts was a whole cloth quilt for Cynthia and her dogs. Daddy died in May, but Mother and I persisted. Mother pieced 3 quilts. I pieced 10. Six of mine were baby/youth sized quilts, so they were easier to finish.
- I made a hot pad to practice a new technique, hand piecing a dahlia block like Grandma Short made many hand pieced quilts. I don’t think I’ll ever be a good hand sewer, but I gave it a try. I also made a quilt with many hourglass blocks for the first time. I learned a lot about quarter square triangles from that quilt, so I made a second one one with the rest of the fabric. The second one went together much more smoothly. So, goal met for learning a new technique.
- Made 1 neonatal quilt for guild. Goal met.
- Made one "kit" quilt. Goal met.
- Made 9 zippered pouches from Rosalee’s candy bags. Goal met.
- Made 4 quilts from the To Do list (PIGS), including the 2 hourglass quilts, the “Goodnight Moon” quilt, and the Halloween quilt. Goal exceeded!
- Made 40 shopping/tote bags using my new heavy duty sewing machine. The intent was to use up fabric in my stash. Although, the bags weren’t on my goals, it was a big accomplishment and can be counted as exceeding my goals.
Overall, my goals were met or exceeded. Next year I may have to move the long arm if Mother decides to move to a smaller place, so I will keep my quilting goals in line with this possible disruption.