This is another of my mother's special strip quilts. The name comes from the color selection of the strips used to piece the quilt. On Aug, 19, 2019 given to Zebiba Ahmed who was Mother’s best caregiver after she broke her arm and neck.
- Size: 68" x 93" Twin bed size
- Quilting: Quilted in a meandering loose spiral design. Free form quilting. For the top side, Used bright orange 100% polyester thread (Omni from Superior Threads-named "Orange Glow"). For the bottom side, used light turquoise 100% polyester thread to better match the back (Omni from Superior Threads—named “Light Turquoise”). 8 bobbins. Quilting by Patty.
- Backing: Light turquoise print from Mother’s stash.
- Batting: 100% cotton Warm and Natural
- Binding: Brown print fabric from my Mother's inventory
- Pattern: Strips arranged by Mother
- Piecing by Mother
- Pinned into frame October 2, 2017. Quilting on long arm quilter October 4-9, 2017. (Patty).
- Binding by Patty.
- QC by Spencer.