- Size: 86" x 86" Queen bed size.
- Quilting: Quilted in loose free form fingers and blobby shapes, with occasional pine trees. Used bright green 100% polyester thread (Omni from Superior Threads-named "Greensleeves"). 10 bobbins. Quilting by Patty.
- Backing: Bright-green cotton with a red and white print center strip. Back supplied by Donna. Center strip is a Christmas design.
- Batting: 100% cotton, white. Batting supplied by Donna
- Piecing and design by Donna.
- Pinned into frame April 17, 2019. Quilting on long arm quilter April 18-19, 2019. (Patty).
- Binding by Donna.
- This quilt is self-certified. QC by Patty.
Album of the quilts Sally, Mother and I make together, with a few technical details