About 4 years ago I made shopping bags out of rip stop nylon. Cynthia loved hers, but after 4+ years of constant use carrying balls to the dog park, it finally reached the end of its life. She asked me for a replacement. So, I made her some. I hope these last 4 years, too.
Red for Valentine’s Day, blue for Pound Puppies, orange for replacement, second orange for replacement’s back up!
Bags for Monika’s 50th Birthday
Her thing is sharks and she likes blue.
Inside and outside pockets! From a pattern I found on the web.
I made a shopping bag for myself. It has to be for me because one of the handles has a twist, something I always fear doing, but haven’t until now. C’est la vie! The good news is that I used the Nancy Zieman technique of wobble stitch to sew the strips on a batting. She suggested it because it makes a smoother bag. The wobble stitch worked like a charm! The quilting/crafting world really misses Nancy. I’m mourning her death again and again!
Another bag fail! The handles turned out too short (used all the black webbing I had plus I can’t translate 3 yards into feet!). Also the outside pockets have the wrong proportion for the dimensions of the bag. I should have first read the instructions—same ones used for Monika’s shark bag. C’est la vie, all over again! Guess I have to keep trying! The wobble stitch worked like a charm on this one, also. Plus, I added a stitching line to keep the pocket from reaching all the way to the bottom seam.