Sunday, February 11, 2018

2018 Tote and Shopping Bags

About 4 years ago I made shopping bags out of rip stop nylon. Cynthia loved hers, but after 4+ years of constant use carrying balls to the dog park, it finally reached the end of its life. She asked me for a replacement. So, I made her some. I hope these last 4 years, too.
Red for Valentine’s Day, blue for Pound Puppies, orange for replacement, second orange for replacement’s back up!
Bags for Monika’s 50th Birthday
Her thing is sharks and she likes blue. 
Inside and outside pockets! From a pattern I found on the web.
And I made a Mondo bag for her. This is similar to the Mondo bag I made in 2017, except last year the bag had stripes and this year it has checks. See 2017 Totes for a description of the pattern.
I made a shopping bag for myself. It has to be for me because one of the handles has a twist, something I always fear doing, but haven’t until now. C’est la vie! The good news is that I used the Nancy Zieman technique of wobble stitch to sew the strips on a batting. She suggested it because it makes a smoother bag. The wobble stitch worked like a charm! The quilting/crafting world really misses Nancy. I’m mourning her death again and again!
Another bag fail! The handles turned out too short (used all the black webbing I had plus I can’t translate 3 yards into feet!). Also the outside pockets have the wrong proportion for the dimensions of the bag. I should have first read the instructions—same ones used for Monika’s shark bag. C’est la vie, all over again! Guess I have to keep trying! The wobble stitch worked like a charm on this one, also. Plus, I added a stitching line to keep the pocket from reaching all the way to the bottom seam.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Butterflies for Lily James

I found a butterfly quilt pattern by Edyta Sitar on the accuquilt (the makers of cutting dies for quilts) site. I decided to buy the butterfly die and make the quilt someday for a baby gift. The someday came with the arrival of Lily James Baxter in November, 2017. 
  • Size: 49” x 59” Crib size
  • Quilting: Quilted in a meandering medium stipple, with a leaf or a flower added occasionally. Unlike the pattern, I did not quilt over the butterflies. I used cream variegated thread. Free form quilting. 6 bobbins. Used Omni-V 100% polyester thread, #9002 named “French Pastry” from Superior Threads. Thread is variegated tone-on-tone creams. Quilting by Patty.
  • Backing: Butterfly printed cotton from my inventory. Fabric was bought from a sale. The butterfly print backing is a bit overwhelming for the top, for several reasons, including the butterflies on the back are more realistic and prettier.
  • Batting: 80% cotton/20% polyester batting from Winline
  • Binding:  Plain navy blue-colored cotton from my inventory.
  • Pattern:  Applique pattern by Edyta Sitar, using an accuquilt die. Applique and piecing by Patty.
  • Pinned into frame February 16, 2018. Quilting on long arm quilter February 16-19, 2018. (Patty). 
  • Binding by Patty. 
  • QC by Spencer.
Lily James
 Pattern by Edyta Sitar on accuquilt Site