Monday, June 8, 2020

Dog Bed Stuffed with Scraps

With Sheltering in Place (SIP) and looking for projects to clean out my closet, I decided to pick up making a dog bed to use up boxes of small quilt scraps. The object initially was to keep fabric out of the landfill. I did use up a lot of scraps, but this project was not easy-o! First off, I made the bed too big, 40” x 45”. This size took a tremendous amount of scraps and weighed a ton when finished. Next time I’ll try a cat bed size, if there is a next time! After this all small scraps get thrown away! 

I first made a canvas sack to stuff the scraps inside. Then I made a washable cover with zipper. The cover was made out of old jeans (took 6 pairs!) also to keep fabric out of landfills. I need to practice inserting a zipper. It’s been too long. Stuffing the filled canvas “mattress” inside the cover was like wrestling a whale! Not easy-o!

The result was a very firm dog bed. One friend on FB said I should market it as, “a handmade, organic, meditation pillow stuffed with reclaimed fabric!”  Another FB friend said I should have made it in the shape of a punching bag and have a piece of gym equipment when finished. It’s almost firm enough to be a punching bag.

I am very glad to have finished this project and lessons learned! Scraps go into the landfill from now on!

SIP hair! Ugh!