Album of the quilts Sally, Mother and I make together, with a few technical details
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Goals for 2019 and 2018 Year-End Report
County Line Quilts
2019 Goals
2018 Year-End Report
2019 Goals
- Complete 8 long-armed quilts, including the quilt top from Cousin Sharon. Some of the quilts to be completed are described in following goals, but the total should be 8. This is a pace of 0.75 quilts per month.
- Make a quilt to learn a new technique, such as curved seams or scalloped borders
- Make 1 neonatal quilt for guild
- Quilt a top for the guild
- Make one "kit" quilt
- Make 1 T-shirt quilt
- Make a reproduction quilt similar to the one I made in 2018. This quilt will be made from Mother’s scraps.
- Make 1 quilt from the To Do list of 8 Projects in bags as listed here:
- Dog Park (Quilting Bee--"Community Garden") in Cal-Asia bag
- Sea Star (Binding Tool Star) in clear plastic orange bag
- Garden Gate in Aunt Janet bag
- Marbles (Modern Baby) in UNICEF bag
- Jumping Jacks (quilts from sweet Jane) in MSQC red bag to be named Tomato Soup
- 3 half square triangle quilts in red reptile N-M bag, one red, one blue, one pink.
- Crosswalk in blue clear bag. See MSQC video.
- Alaska fabric from Ann in UNICEF bag. No pattern as of January 2019.
- Finish Sharon’s quilt and any others sent to me from relatives.
- Finish Mother’s wool comfort and any other quilt surprises she springs on me.
- Make a dog bed stuffed with scraps
- Attend the Houston Quilt Show with Cousins Denise and Debra.
2019 Outlook
As in 2018, 2019 will be a year focused on family health issues and possibly Mother’s moving houses. Quilting goals are therefore modest.
2018 Year-End Report
- Completed 19 long-armed quilts, including one for Lily James. The 2018 goal was met and exceeded by 11, thanks to long arming 3 quilts for Aunt Linda, 1 for Donna, 1 for Cousin Laura, 1 for Aunt Joyce, and Sally’s Cousin Quilt. Mother’s eyesight is nearly gone, but Frances finished 2 quilts Mother started and I quilted them. I pieced or appliquéd 10 quilts. Seven of mine were baby/neonatal sized quilts, so they were easier to finish. Goal exceeded for long armed quilts.
- I appliquéd a quilt from a clip art picture, making the pattern myself, to practice a new technique. This was the hardest quilt I have ever attempted, and I never would have been able to do it except for guidance and encouragement from Cousin Denise. So, goal met for learning a new technique.
- Made 4 neonatal quilts for guild. Goal exceeded.
- Did not make a quilt kit, unless you count the top Aunt Joyce sent for me to quilt. It really doesn’t count, so goal not met.
- Made 6 shopping/tote bags. Goal met.
- Did not make a T-shirt quilt. Goal not met.
- Made 2 quilts from the To Do list (PIGS). I stretched the 2 sock monkey quilts into the 3 neonatal quilts. Goal exceeded!
- Did not make a dog bed. Goal not met.
- Made a flannel quilt. Goal met.
- Made Sally’s Cousin Quilt, including a block for Guy. Goal met.
Most, but not all of my goals were met. Increasing demands for my time from Mother and several quilts from relatives for me to quilt and bind, kept me from completing all my goals. I give myself a B+ for 2018. I will move the incomplete goals to the list for 2019. Next year I may have to move the long arm if Mother decides to move to a smaller place, Mother will have bigger health demands, and I may get more quilt tops from relatives, so I will keep my quilting goals modest in line with possible extra requests and disruptions.