Sunday, January 29, 2017


2017 Goals

  • Complete 6 long-armed quilts, including baby quilts for neighbors' expected baby  and one for niece's expected baby. Some of the quilts to be completed are described in following goals, but the total should be 6. This is a pace of 0.5 quilts per month.
  • Make a quilt to learn a new technique, such as curved seams or scalloped borders
  • Make 1 neonatal quilt for guild
  • Make one "kit" quilt
  • Make  zippered pouches for Rosalee out of her candy bags.
  • Make 1 quilt from the To Do list of 14 Projects in bags as listed here:
  1. Dog Park (Quilting Bee--"Community Garden") in Cal-Asia bag
  2. Whole cloth star quilt in box
  3. Sea Star (Binding Tool Star) in clear plastic orange bag
  4. Sock Monkey #1 (my own) in pink N-M bag
  5. Sock Monkey #2 (my own) in pink N-M bag
  6. Rose Water hour glass quilt
  7. Good Night Moon (Joy of Quilting--similar to "The Incredibly Cool Cosmic Rocket Ship") in Aunt Janet Bag. 
  8. Garden Gate in leopard print bag
  9. Marbles (Modern Baby) in UNICEF bag
  10. Jumping Jacks (quilts from sweet Jane) in MSQC red bag to be named Tomato Soup
  11. 3 half square triangle quilts in red reptile N-M bag, one red, one blue, one pink.
  12. Crosswalk in blue clear bag. See MSQC video.
  13. Prairie Flowers with Halloween fabric. MSQC book.
  14. Alaska fabric from Ann in UNICEF bag. No pattern as of January 2017.

2017 Outlook

2017 will be a year focused on family and not quilting. Quilting goals are modest.

2016 Year-End Report

  • Completed 19 long-armed quilts, including one for a new cousin, Everly Joy. The 2016 goal was met and exceeded by one. Six of the quilts were whole cloth quilts, the dorm series, made for Narinder's nieces and nephew, so the goal was met by  a series of easier quilts, kinda sorta cheating. Nevertheless, it was a feat to make the goal, even with 6 easier quilts,  because Mother had a heart attack and pacemaker in February and Daddy's health decline accelerated beginning in October. A lot of quilting time was pre-emptied by doctor appointments and hospital visits. 
  • I improved my long arm quilting techniques, including feathers. I started using a full float technique for mounting the top and that turns out to produce better results for me. The feathers on Cerritos Strip were much better than my first attempts. Goal met.
  • Did not make a quilt to learn a new technique, such as curved seams or scalloped borders. Goal not met. Goal will be retained for next year.
  • Did not make 3 neonatal quilts for guild. Goal not met. I will try to make 1 neonatal quilt in 2017.
  • Did not make one "kit" quilt. Goal not met. Goal will be retained for next year.
  • Patty did buy more fabric before 6 quilts were finished from her stash. So, the goal was not met. However, 5 quilts were completed from Patty's stash.
  • Made 31 zippered pouches as gifts or donations. Goal of 3 zippered pouches was greatly exceeded!
  • Did not make 1 bag using used denim. However, 9 bags were made from various materials, including oil cloth and plastic mesh. One bag was made for my brother's traveling ukulele from pre-quilted material and I appliquéd a fly on it. Therefore, the goal can be marked as "met".
  • Made 3 table runners and one yoga mat. The 2016 goal of  4 table runners can be considered met.
  • Did not make a quilt out of the saved Peace Corps dresses. Goal not met.
  • Did not watch quilting courses on the Internet and practice what is presented. Goal not met.
  • Made only 1 quilt, not 3 quilts,  from the To Do list of 10 Projects in bags. Goal only partially met. Will try to pare down the list in 2017. Quilt made was "Construction Site", called "Road Work" on the list. In addition, 5 quilts were added to the list, one to replace the completed quilt and 4 more! Total on the list is now 14!
  Overall, most of the goals were not met due to the health situations at my parents' home. I will have to be very realistic about my goals for 2017 and take into account the needs of my parents.